Kamis, 28 April 2011

national exam !!

Finally, i finished my national exam, feel happy. I can do anything positive activity i want. Really i love this time, i can spent my time. But i want review my national exam for four days. 
Before we enter the room we stay at canteen we study together then at 06.30 the bell was ringing and make line up the we prayed together. Then we have 30 minutes for break at 07.30 we came in to our room.
Review of national exam
Indonesia Language
There are 50 multiple choice, i can do it, but they made me confuse, i confuse with them because every choice has same. but i still do my best i choose my best answer.
There are 40 questions multiple choice. It's little hard than try out, but for the last i can check again because i finished 5 minutes before.
Third day. I did silly for this exam. I choose wrong answer that i known, i can't get my score that i want,but i know GOD always with me.
Fourth and also last day. I can do it and i'm sure i can got more that 8,00 because i sure with my answer. Although when i check with my friends there's some different but i sure can do it

I finished did my best only GOD i know and give whatever i need. I hope all of  student who studied at Saint Agnes JHS can pass this national exam with satisfied score make our parents and teachers proud of 2008-2011 Academy



Finally, i finished my duty of my ninth grade. I finish my national exam and i free. Today is my last day of national exam. Why i put this butterfly? Because butterflies can flay whenever they want. I can do any positive activity that i want, many plan that i want to do for this holiday.

Minggu, 17 April 2011


GOOD LUCK grade 12,9, and 6 for national exam. Believe if you can, don't worry because GOD always beside you, just trust him he'll guide you and help you with HIS mighty hand.Give all your score for people beside you, especially for your parents and your teacher.

Sabtu, 09 April 2011

finished it !!

Finally, me and my team finished my social project. Actually i love this tasks because i can coloring, i love coloring so much. But the finished it's hard, many problem came when i did it.  So, I have a social tasks that i must draw on triplex, or cork. On map there is history, geography, and economy. For History I must show where world war happened, geography is how we draw the map, with compass,scale, and for economy we must show where export and import  happened in Indonesia
Coloring, my team made an agreement that i we coloring big island with crayon then we clean it with crayon so the island like thin and small island like Panama, England we coloring it with color pencil.

At night my friend sent me "Yul, besok kerja peta ya sampe jam4 , mbawakno pensil warna ya"(Yul, bring your pencil color tommorrow, we will do social task until 4 o'clock)  Then when i prepare it, I remember that my friend borrowed my brother color pencil, so i text my friend(R) i text her like this "R, jok lupa ya besok bawa pensil warnaku aku my kerja peta, thx" (R, don't forget to bring my pencil color, i will do my social tasks tomorrow). The next day i come to her and ask for it "R, where's my pencil color" she just replied not on me your pencil color at T. Then on midday T said to me, that my pencil color gone, actually i shocked because it's not mine it's my brother. Then next they T said ''i will change your pencil color new, because i ask on cleaning service no, and also nothing on my class cupboard" What a hell until my tasks finished the pencil color not on me, i don't know where is it. Fortunately until now my brother didn't ask it. But he asked it when he has a art final exam, i said that my friend bring it. I don't know what they feel but i don't know what i must do because i can it buy with my money. Any suggestion ??

I also in one group with nonik, ellen, and vale. Because vale got fever so when we did in my home vale didn't come. For this week because i only have four subject Indonesia language, math, english and science,everyday after school we did it , not only with my group but also with Suryo's group. We join together it they bought the material and my team used it :D Sometimes i boring for did this my friends more spoke than did but really i love our together, i will miss this memory, really really must remember this, No one in same SHS with me but i also remember our together.

And also i want say sorry to my friends via this blog, maaf ya xg wes tak amuki tak omeli terutama vale dorry val aku ngamuki soale pengen ndang mari peta ini, gae leo xg wes tak omeli aku tw maksudmu mau buat suasana rame tp kamu salah tempat :D

Minggu, 03 April 2011

happy birthday ELLEN :*

Have a successful for everything.Be diligent, be smart, be obedient with your parents. Let's fight for national exam, let's beat english together. And i hope for Senior High School you can join LTC. Have a blast, Len. Wishing you a day filled with happiness and a year filled with joy! :)


I really really love yesterday. My last day of school final exam, then ssc time, at night go to GM with my friends to celebrated my friends birthday. What a wonderfull day.

In the morning i woke up at 03.30 to study social include history, geography, and economy, on fact there's a javanese language exam but i think i can study in break time. Then i took a bath and went to school like everyday. Then i did my social successfully, when break time there's an announcement that remidial for english and science, i;m not afraid with my english because i can did it, but with my science :o  but on so thankful , thanks GOD i no remidial and i did my social and javanese succesSsful.

Then in the afternoon i had my ssc class, i don't know what i studied there because my class didn't get the schedule, i came late because i still tired and i wrapped a present for my friends. Then I went to ssc when i came in i  shocked, for every Saturday 4 TM same teacher teach me, what a boring class.Where's other english ssc teacher? So i didn't attention at her i tweeted, messages with my friends :p Then at night there's safari but i didn't take it my parents allow me to celebrate my friends birthday. 

At night i went to GM to celebrate Bella birthday, Jessica picked me then we went together at GM. First of my destination was toilet, me and my friends gave surprise for Bella we bought her cake then we wait at toilet and 07.30 pm because at the table that Bella has reserved was wearing by other my friends who celebrate in same place., so we must wait my friends who reserved before Bella finish. Before it we said to Bella that we can't come. Joanni, Chen" and Ester said that there's family party. Me, Ellen and Margaretha said we must finished my social tasks.After that when my friends said to Bella that they contact us if Bella sat on the corner.  Then we sing together came with bring tart, Bella cried wow !!! Then we walked together but at 21.30 i must go home, my father and my brother picked me, and my plan did my social project canceled i very exhausted yesterday. Happy birthday Bella Nadia Susilo, thanks for dinner yesterday :*  Thx GOD for yesterday. no remidial, boring ssc english class, and super night with my friends :*

late APRIL MOP wish :o

Welcome APRIL, i late to post this blog because when 1st April came i still have my school final exam. I finish my school final exam without remidial thx GOD :* . I hope no remidial but i didn't do my best on my science especially physics i wrong on my essay answer, i afraid because  40% of school final exam is determine my graduation 60% is national exam. 
But i really thx to GOD always bless me when i didi my exam, i am nothing without HIM. But on this month there are many thing that i want,.
I want get 36,00 for my 'danem' of my UNAS
I want to get 10,00 for english national exam
I want to study more and more seriously

These are i want for this month,, really i want focus on my study get 36,00 and for english i want get 10,00.